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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Yes Lake, Moose is now a forum mod.
  2. Also what happened to all the mods? There's a lot missing that I remember we're a moderator.
  3. Quite a few resigned and were replaced
  4. Why? Sorry I am just surprised on how many are gone.
  5. Moderators gone
    1) Bellemorte
    2) Wulf
  6. The reason why was that a certain player named eagle was being tested by moose, moose has lied to him about the name of Kaw changing and he got messaged by several people asking why it was being changed, furious with eagle he instantly makes a thread about him quitting and shows a SS of eagle swearing to secrecy about what he has told him, eagle spread the word the the first moment moose told him a scrap of fake information.
  7. 3) Donkey
    4) Meisha
    5) Iss_Tigress

    All left for personal reasons, some don't have enough time anymore, some need to concentrate on other things, like osw ;)
  8. Moose came back as forum moderator, didn't retire at all.
  9. Oh ok because I remember all of these mods and now there gone. And I remember Tigress when she joined...
  10. I know that, it was all over active topics, and he wasn't on the list...
  11. So are there a couple of new mods now? Or are there a lot more?
  12. Only a few new mods:

  13. 1) Eagle
    2) Wabsy
    3) Moose - new forum mod
    4) Drgnblade - new forum mod
    5) Delphin - new forum mod
  14. Yeah, combine those lists and that's basically who is new
  15. Does anybody else expect devs to create more mods?
  16. I think they should add on two more mods during the lunchhour period
  17. this is yourconscience speaking; please someone volley me.
  18. That belongs in world chat not a place to ask questions.
  19. Fine. Can someone please volley me, as I am on PC and do not get speakers?