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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Does Participation factor into getting into EB items? or does only Estoc Edge help?
  2. Eb drops are luck tho the eb was most likely made by simple algorithm.
  3. ALso regarding the red paladin gauntlets. Does it seriously only last 12 hours or is that a typo?
  4. So if I do one hit I have same chance as if I did 100?
  5. Yes, each hit there is a minuscule chance you get the item
  6. no. more actions = more chances. but you CAN get the drop with one hit. (in theory)
  7. Why don't mods do there job?

  8. care to be more specific?
  9. Hmm can any hlbc players give me some advice, should I sell off my 200b ally and buy land 49 or should I just keep saving money to buy it without selling ally? I'm close to hlbc'ing but have never done it before, I know keeping ally is good for bfa stats but what's the advice vets, current hlbc players would give to a person like me?
  10. Do haunts start with item stage or attack/assassinate bar?
  11. First is attack ass. Bar, then items till 25% then attack ass. Bar then items again till eb is finished
  12. I have been silence perm dose that go if I reset
  13. Does anyone have a list of the achievement that give bonuses and how much?
  14. Could someone please look at my question on the previous page.  :)
  15. @hades no, their sole purpose it to scout bomb spies to reduce damage.
  16. Cool. Thanks.
  17. Can you link an account to Facebook AND twitter?
  18. Last time I checked you can't link kaw to twitter :| please tell me if I'm wrong though