Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. What's the chance per hit that you get a perm item?
  2. It's not known, it's an algorithm that I doubt that even the devs know.
  3. One that allows you to stop being an idiot. Whatever build that is, use that one.
  4. This IS a question thread. I say hybrid
  5. My opinion is hansel
  6. If someone is tracking me even after reset to farm me,is there anyway to loose them?
  7. Start a new account.
  8. never post on a farmer's wall.

    so yeah. start a new account.
  9. How? I play on android phone?
  10. You can factory reset your phone, as you play on android, and disconnect your kaw from your facebook.
  11. first estoc for me tomorrow.

    where the heck is the thread that describes the mechanics?
  12. How much gold do I get back from selling a lvl3 sub?
  13. I did the reset and re downloaded app and it still has my same account.Im not connected to facebook either
  14. @xtreme you get 20% of whatever you spent on it back
  15. Is there a way to find a specific thread on forums?
  16. use the search feature.
  17. Speaking of the search feature, I found it hilarious to see the user named "Search" wall. People used his wall thinking it was the search.
  18. After a player is stripped why is it "wrong" to attack them? Even if they're troops are pinned won't they still have gold out to steal?