either consider volaries or just keep building sos. the plunder bonus is essentially negated when doing epics due to an increase in the end of epic bonus (which is largely based on damage) and in war it is generally better to have higher stats
the bronze bar is just an award that you can sell for cash or hold on to as banked gold. updates come out when they come out.
There is no planned updates that we've been informed about. Apart from tweaks in the mechanics for EE I don't think there is any.
Email the devs at support@AThinkingApe.com to ask if there are any. I'm guessing its either been retired or they are cutting down on how often it's given out
How do I edit photos so I can add text to them? I have photobucket but I don't see a way to do it on there...
Non-KAW question. Please contact photobucket support, or go buy a photoshop program. Or do like I do...put the picture up, and go get some sharpie's. Doodle away on your PC screen. WARNING:This only works once. And completely ruins your computer screen.
Renegade, the devs changed it so you no longer gain prestige from regular system wars. They did this because clans were just running Pwars (prestige wars) to get tons of prestige so they could top the leaderboard. This was changed a while ago.
The best explanation I have seen on prestige came from Corinthian's Summer War's thread. I'm not sure if the ranking system is the same, but it applies to EE wars. Not certain on the general system war application, as I have not done a SW (non-EE) in over a year....