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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. And what percentage of the original price will I be refunded?
  2. If you can find another app that allows you to resize your image and retrieve a URL for it, then you can use that.
  3. Has anybody published an Alchemist Guide? Level 2 castle is supposed to allow alchemist, but i cannot find any on this.
  4. Have a look in Strategy section you should find a spell guide there. If you cant see it then try restarting your app completely, and restart your device (unless youre on android). If you still cant see it after that then email support@athinkingape.com about it.
  5. Try looking carefully maybe u just didn't look hard enough u should b able to get alchemist if u have lvl2 castle
  6. How much would i need in allies?
  7. As much as you need until your allies bonus does not increase, and then some if you feel like banking or would just like the extra ally stat bonus.
  8. 10b should be enough, I would think. I was 1m att with 13b mp
  9. Thanks for the answers.
  10. I was told u need about 1bil per 200k cs (atk/def/spy atk/ spy def bonus to allies)
  11. So I would say 9bil at most
  12. Can we still farm Crystals by finishing all quests and resetting, and finishing them again -- Repeat?
  13. Question- what happened to dillybar's stats..?
  14. @Alk - No, that was disabled. You may, however, do completed quests, as they still drop nobility and crystals.
  15. How much attack do you need to unload a bar on haunting without failing?
  16. Stables my friend, stables :)