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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Personally id go for t5 lvl 2's on your highlands first. Theyre cheaper than your next land, so id do them first. Do all lvl 1 then all lvl 2.

    After this explore, then get lvl 3's.
  2. Thats what im doing;p
  3. Hmm I see what you're saying señorita. So since my next land is 40b, et all t5 lvl 1 then start exploring?
  4. Do the 40b land first, then do T5.
  5. Thanks señorita!
  6. I read some great advice, I think from GaW forums, that you should work on your cheapest upgrade/land than move on to the next one and so on. That means once you get into highlands all your buildings will be maxed. It's a good goal to have.
  7. I have a question of my own, how many battles (good estimate) does it take to get on LB? I only want an answer from someone experienced, I'm tired of hearing 100k cause I'm past that.
  8. Im not on it but Ive heard about 125k
  9. Ok, thank you. Sounds about right.
  10. I wouldnt go by that. Sometimes a more expensive upgrade is more important/more beneficial to you.
  11. Has anyone else had this glitch happen to them

  12. It happens all the time.
  13. Can't scroll up & down in maps
  14. That's true señorita...
  15. Is there a max plunder for HlBC?
  16. Yes rushy, there is a cap on plunder no matter your stats.
  17. When was the KaW rationg changed from 9 years to 13?

  18. I don't know. I never noticed that
  19. I noticed this on the last update. I'm not upset though. It needed to be done.
  20. I'm just wondering because honestly cussing should be allowed considering most 13 and olders, cuss anyway -.-