Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. because this is a war game and you shouldnt bring agricultue into it, better?
  2. Will someone make a guide on how to make a tower build or tell me how to here?
  3. It is acceptable to farm anywhere. That doesnt mean others will like it.
  4. i think 20 towers are considered a tower build but i really am unsure lol
  5. Yes, 20 towers considers you a tower build. Cg's thread is in QandF on it.

    Hello pinky.
  6. Why is the alchemist open to my use? I read the buildings and land thingy by wulf and I shouldn't be able to see the alchemist till I have a lv2 castle
  7. You need to have the alchemist open to cast veil of evasion at any time. If you look you can see that all normal spells arent available to you.
  8. hello senorita!!
  9. Oh yeah so they are, actually cyan name and hide allies for 8 hours is available
  10. That would be because you have already achieved what you need for them. The alchemist goes off achievements.
  11. Why does everyone, on KaW hate me?
  12. Ohhhh sweet, that's cool :)

    How do I get Mithril? Apart from buying it of course
  13. @Dogs_toy I don't hate you.
  14. @shadow War!!
  15. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!! That's what I love to hear!!!!!!! =D
  16. You can war for it through sw or ee, and buy a few pieces to get you started
  17. It's 400 mill D: I'd rather war ;)
  18. @Shadow I set aside 2 days of the week to buy mith. I don't upgrade or anything.
  19. I think I would need more than two days tbh ;) but that's a good idea :D I'll try it :)