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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Pktorva@ sorry, you wont win your case against the devs. The silence is your warning. You have 2 more warnings before you are permanently silenced. Its only temporary so dont get your rich panties in a bunch.
  2. The stat difference for t3 to t4 can be seen in Wulf's buildings guide in strategy.

    The phases and info for all EB's can be seen in Wulf's EB guide, also in strategy
  3. Hi I forgot my restrictions passcode so I can't buy pro packs and stuff in kaw and can't retrieve it. Now I just want to restart my whole phone how do I do that without a restriction code and without the computer?
  4. I'm am SOOO taking a pic of that "rich" kids butt hurt rant!
  5. Yea! Although it was fake
  6. Btw I solved my problem so now I can buy all that stuff!!!
  7. Would I grow the fastest if I got to HLBC being guild hansel, or convert along the way.
  8. Grow as a hansel then stock up and do a massive change all at one time.
  9. Okay, I've been gone for about 3 months and I was wondering what has happened since I left. Who has won forum president if its still being voted on, any major updates except for the war thingy and new equipment. Also who has retired and who is big on the forums now?
  10. My oracle isn't showing up any of the in-app purchases like pro-packs, xtals and nobs. I've tried restarting my iPod and deleted it and reinstalled it but to no avail. Is this just me or is this happening with everyone?
  11. What's the best way to get memebers for ypur clan?????? Also how do you find good clans?
  12. Unfortunately, by putting ads on World Chat.

    Look for a clan that does what you like: ebs/wars, has an active cc, nice members, and fits you.
  13. Why can't I buy any mithril, even though I haven't bought any this round? Even when I just select one, it says that I have selected too many.
  14. You can only but mithiril if you have less than 6
  15. If you have a level 2 EE does winning stack it to level 3 and you keep that for another week?
  16. I thought it was 2 weeks, and yes
  17. Oh its two weeks?
    Ty btw Deni :)
  18. You can see how much time is left in your spells by clicking on your money, if on an iDevice
  19. Found out how to find out :)
    I just clicked on the EE spell and it told me, 284hours and 29 mintues , thanks!