There is some Kat. I wanna say FoD but I don't think that's right There is 3-4 of them though, I believe
It's all the tier 5 and up ebs that drop equipment. Once you have this equipment you have a chance of getting it again but as bronze bars and the new attack pots.
All ebs fod and above that have equipment drops also drop bronze bars. If your clan does an eb and you already have the equipment the eb drops you may get bronze bars.
When the game ranks members of a clan from strongest to weakest, which criteria does it use? It is not Combined Stats
Combined stats are a part of it. BFA (bonus from allies is a big part) and I think wins/losses are a big part too.
Yes spy stats are worth more than normal stats in clan ranking. Can anybody tell me my join date and post count please? Thank you very much.
I want to try depraved with my clan. What are the phases, what happens in each one? Is it harder than reck? My clan can do reck so if it's easier than that's good
clealy said i did not know that spamming was a violation. If I got silenced for spamming. SPAMMING. One little incident. I SAID I WAS SORRY. I sear I didn't know it was a violation. But sorry for being rude a little . You have to understand my part of take. I really did believe this game was better than this. I will sue u however if I'm am not unsilenced. My family is Rich. I spent over 3 thousand dollers. On this app. SO UR GANNA SILENCE ME FOR THIS? FOR THIS, spamming. Hope this was a good Reason. If not responded back to u will see me again. And I Will sue you. I'm no kid keep in mind I'm 23 and have a very very good amount of my myself. This will go viral. My good friend "woodysgamertag" he is one of my closets friends and he also owes me a favor. I will tell him my situation. This will go VIRAL. And one more thing. I spent over 3 thousand dollars on this game alone. And maybe more. And u should know by now that this is a good reason to. Spamming= not able to play. You have to talk in order to be a good asset. I only spammed 1 time 1 time. MONEY = have spend over 3 thousand dollars . Now KAW give me please, a good reason could overcome money = spamming 1 time. I'm pretty sure I would win in this case for my trial of when I sue. KaW.
Spen three thousand and still has that bad stats? Wow I can see why you are butthurt... Farming is five hits or more in 24 hours. It is not a 'rule' per say, but many clans get annoyed if their members are farmed