Or...plug iPhone into computer. Then open up iTunes, select iPhone, and click serial number. UDID should pop up. Don't give UDID away ever!
Quick question, while I was gone... Whatever happened to -Lupus-? We were going to start a clan together... Kinda don't wanna do it without her...
Hansel mechanics remain in effect until you surpass 25% attack builds in your final build. I myself run a 3 att build hansel.
I am having trouble with purchasing things from the oracle....I give google wallet my info and it always tells me problem retreving info from the server! And will never allow me to make a purchase with out moving on from that step! What to do?
When that happens, it usually means there is an issue with the link between Google Wallet and your bank account. Go to your Google Wallet and make sure your payment method is updated. Restart KAW. Make your purchase through the Oracle. If that all fails, email support@athinkingape.com