@ Ant Once you unlock 25 lands and upgrade your castle, not only do all market items become available, but you'll also have access to the Mage and the Alchemist.
That's strange, I have 20 lands I think and already have access to mage and orricle. Thx for the info.
I was LLBC before all this stuff came out, but on my alt, I know all of the items were unlocked by the time I opened land 25.
You have access to the oracle all the time. You also have access to some spells on the alchemist before you upgrade the castle.
I currently do not, ma'am. No unlock on the castle until 25 lands explored...nor can I cast any spells.
Nope. I had to leave my clan to avoid being a leak. And because I left, I lost the EE. I was an angry person.
I just did now. Honestly, they are still trying to figure out why I cannot post comments on Kaw_Admin threads. Waiting on the senior developer to reach out....
This is probably a really stupid question, but I have to ask anyway.. @Willy..you do know how to post on kaw_admins threads right? I mean in terms of having to access them via another section of the forum besides active topics or news? Just checking because surprisingly there are a bunch of people that do not know that..
Willy. My alt is the same way, you need to earn at least 1 mith to unlock it. You can get the veils, and cyan color and some other very basic thing with 1 mith so it unlocks for you.
OK Hansel build hitting small ebs . My atk is 80k and will hit the eb around 200. Spy's 2.7 mil also hitting in the 200s . Shouldn't the spy's be hitting for much more?
I have no access. I do have mith, but no way to use it. Either way, they said it will be addressed on the next update. Bless their hearts. :lol: Put it this way.... Support has no idea how this is happening. They've been emailing me with questions. LOL I'm waiting for a senior developer to contact me.