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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Where do I buy mithril cant find it anywhere
  2. There should be a guide in the Questions/Feedback section that will tell you how to transfer accounts.
  3. No, Mage is only unlocked at lv3 castle.

    Mithril is not on sale.
  4. You can't Buy mithril, you must war for it
  5. What is the best eb for a guild hansel.
  6. Erm, will redo-ing completed quest still give me crystals and nob? Even if its any percentage
  7. Don't bother doing completed quests for xtalsI did 2.4k quests till I got my 1st xtal drop
  8. Woah, thanks ~ Uhm what about nobility?
  9. Higher chance.I did quests for a week straight to get 20nobs for name change.
  10. Is there a penalty or a lock on changing your build while active in an Estoc Trial? As a Hansel I have in the past decided to go or not go pure spy in the midst of war based on the enemies' style and abilities.
  11. After seeing how difficult it is to KO tower builds in war i am considering adding them. If I replace a lev3 SoS with a lev 2 T5 will it reducey plunder? Thanks
  12. After seeing how difficult it is to KO tower builds in war i am considering adding them. If I replace a lev3 SoS with a lev 2 T5 will it reducey plunder? Thanks
  13. How come when you hire an Allie and they quit the game. you do not get the full amount you paid for them?
  14. @Rage You only receive a max of 60% when they leave the game, or reset. Its to stop people volleying masses of gold and waiting for allies to leave the game and make a huge profit. There was a large debate about it several months ago.
  15. How do t4 hansels hit haunting?
  16. With pots or mith.
  17. Or ally plunder, or equipment.
  18. Or a combination of all of the above.
  19. Is there any build caliculater