Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. I like how you added that in... ;)
  2. Thank you sadreim
  3. I've been gone, anything new happen?
    Also gif link
  4. Again? :| this has to be the 10th time....

    Check news section. Lots of new stuff.
  5. Can someone post the name of the website used to shorten urls's to post in the forum please?
  6. How much is 3 mill attack in Bfa worth to me statwise. How do i find out?
  7. The 3 mill in attack coming from the Allies I own
  8. Multiply it by .02% and add to raw stats.
  9. What is bronze for?
  10. You can use them to bank gold, or if you earn them in an eb, you can sell them for gold
  11. btw that^ is my 100th post on this thread!
  12. I've been active 10 days and see people talking about mith and alchemist but I do not have access in the marketplace nor is there any iPhone update. Is this common? Do I need to be a certain lvl?
  13. you need to get 25 lands, then upgrade your castle to lvl 2
  14. How do I transfer android accounts. To my new phone.
  15. How do I build a bakery. Everyone talks bout them
  16. im winning inferno but havent yet unlocked the mage. Will my inferno ive won so far be there when I do? Or will I start from zilch regardless??
  17. It should be there once you upgrade your castle
  18. It'll be there.
  19. how bout a second castle