Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. x5500, or x2500 for above 2m cs. Supposedly.
  2. An I the only one with a level 9 helm?
  3. No I saw someone on lb with a lvl 10
  4. There's a guy with 10 Ghost
  5. How much did the enchants cost?
  6. Does toc drop aqua/inferno
  7. How do you become pro?
  8. You become a pro by buying a propack from the Oracle under marketplace. They cost real cash on iDevice, and nobility points on android and PC.
  9. Buy a propack to get the "pro" banner

    ToC does not drop aqua/inferno
  10. What does estoc edge for for you?
  11. It fors for you therefore fors you
  12. Go to any other section, strategy for example, and then go to the thread at the top of section. You can post on it then.
  13. It (supposingly) increases your chances of getting drops from EBs. It also increases your plunder when hitting players or EBs.
  14. Nope. My problem is that it only appears at the top of "News" section.
  15. :lol: :lol:
  16. Oh I see, you can't. There are too many news threads that it was bumped too low.
  17. :oops: