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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Plz ask your friends to hire your allies. This does not belong on forums
  2. On my old IPod I had a very strong account, how do I get in tho my ipad, ps my iPod has now been broken beyond repair
  3. Email the UDID of the iPad to device_transfers@athinkingape.com along with all info that proves the old account is yours. Include your old username and explain what you want done.
  4. I have my stalwert helm equiped and at +4.. but now when i go to mage to lvl up more.. it's not there.. any sugestions in why or what to do?
  5. That would be because it is at its max enchant level. You cant enchant items that are at the max. Each item has a different enchant level up to 10.
  6. I prolly sound like a noob, but dear god, for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to resize chat! The update thingy said I could.... ;3 Would someone enlighten me please?
  7. Resize chat? Sorry, don't know what you're talking about
  8. On the App Store, the update list for KaW said "ResizABLE chat"
  9. Hmmm... No help 4 u there, I have my own q, WHY R THERE SO MANY ALTS?????
  10. That means you can have more lines in your post. Check settings. It may be automatic, but vertical spam is because of it. You may want to feedback/email and ask.
  11. Alts basically let you hit a wide range of players. Or, some people use them for transferring money or bank accounts for stripping.
  12. Maybe resizable chat meant the recent Wc chat changes?
  13. In ebs that drop aqua/inferno can you only get 3 aqua or 3 inferno or can you get more than that?
  14. No, but you can get aqua and inferno together, if you are lucky.
  15. I lost my login and password how can I recover it
  16. Hoe much should I have in allies?
  17. @LordofDeath, with the estocs edge it is at least possible to get another inferno drop, aside from the normal 3.
  18. Storm Trooper, at your size I would recommend about 8 billion