Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Who wants some bacon?
  2. Well, that's too bad. I ATE IT ALL.
  3. Why don't I get payed all the gold I actually earned in an eb?
    For Example - I was doing The Haunting a while ago and I got the notification saying I got 941,097,917 gold. But then I went to my clans epic battle history and noticed it said total plunder earned 1,822,559,939 gold. Please Reply! :)
  4. The EB history is your plunder you make from the EB and your reward added together
  5. Ugh because it doesn't work that way, duh.

    Haha jk I'll do the math and try and figure out what percentage you get of the money you made.
  6. *What ghost said. :roll:
  7. Oh OK, I think I get you. Thanks guys!
  8. [​IMG]

    Does this mean everyone is ******?
  9. im being farmed by blue-killer and his making my gaming experience unhappy wat should i do?
  10. Farm him back, and make his gaming experience equally unenjoyable.
  11. his stronger than me
  12. Don't mess with black hand
  13. 1. Send a elaborate well thought out feedback saying why you are said. If it doesn't fit in one box, send it in many.
    2. Delete KaW
    3. Reinstall KaW and reset your account.
    4. Ask to be hired by enemy.
    5. Strategically plot demise.
    1. Cry in a corner.
    2. Jump off a cliff.
  14. Lol little I'm thinking of farming you too for spamming a clan member.

    Black Hand
  15. Shouldn't Have messed with black hand......
    Stupid people these days
  16. @little dont be a ***** about it. Let them know that you dont give a **** and them farming you is taking a lot more wasted effort from them than it does you. Also hit it back.
  17. stupid??? for wat???
  18. Dont listen to dakota he's been ornery ever since his panties seem to have bunched up.