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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Don't build defense towers. Just build defensive attack buildings. Towers are a waste of a land. If you get the defensive attack builds you have more attack and def stats plus plunder and troops.
  2. If I delink fb acct from droid do I lose anything? If not, would i then be able to open a pf acct?
    A couple of how to instructions on delinking would be appreciated.
  3. You can delink the account, and no you wont lose anything. However, you can always just create an alternate PC account from another FB account or email address if either you, your family or another person in your household owns one and allows you to use it.

    Just email support@athinkingape.com the name of the account, which game, and that you would like to delink the account from its FB or email address. Alternately, use the feedback option from in-game when logged in and say that you would like to delink the account from its email address.
  4. @ i_love_kaw, that might have been true before, but with the new war mechanic, you want to avoid been knocked out, and can't fight from pin. Towers can save you due to static defense stats, which defensive troop buildings don't offer, in other words, when your troops are getting low, your defense is getting weak, and towers is an extra layer of defense that could protect you of being too vulnerable. (I hope I make sense here, English isn't my native language).
  5. At the end of an fod eb, I received 3 infernos. The problem I have is they aren't shown anywhere that I can find. My? Is where are they?
  6. there in the mage ( you don't open up mage until you upgrade your castle to lvl 3) you need 12 high lands open to upgrade castle to lvl 3 .-.
  7. So they will b there when I explore 12 highlands and open mage then?
  8. Same applies for mith. You can earn them before you have unlocked the mage/alchemist, but cant use them until youve bought the upgrade at least once.
  9. Hi, is a pure spy open to atk even if no gold out in estoc war ?
  10. No, pure spies need gold out to be attacked, but they can be stolen with no gold out.
  11. What should I build on my highlands when I get to them - I am a spy based hybrid - I've got 1 lv2 castle, 2 lv2 cursed foundries, and 22 lv1
  12. Please just stop. Thats the most unhelpful answer.
  13. Id go with either CoE, or guilds until you're onto your 30b land, when you should convert your highlands to Hatcheries or Colonies, and guilds to Volaries. Level 1 is fine, then carry on with lands and T5 until your 12th highland, when you should upgrade your castle. Then when your next land is 70b, lvl 2 those T5.
  14. How do I use crystals?
  15. Go to the marketplace, or Oracle tab (under marketplace on iDevice) and press "Use 1 health crystal".
  16. If I Buy an ally for 2 bil how comes that when I want to drop him I get a refund of only 50 mil? That is nowhere close to the 60% as described in the faq!
  17. because you have to wait 16 days after hiring to get the full 60% back