I know that. I'm a returning vet. I was just wondering if anything had changed because of dev changes. I'm just looking for specifics also like should I buy a t4l3 right when I start to convert or should I just buy a L2.
No. No quarter drops items yes, but its also stingy in its droppings. Last few NQ's i looked at had only 3 or 4 drops of the breastplate.
Re: faults Playing on iPhone and today it will not let me select attack, wc, or feedback is there anything I can do?
Reefence towers I have an Att/Def tower level 3 on Leland's. If I put a spy Defence tower on llands will it cover Hlands as well??
Re: faults You can try taking KaW off the multitasking menu and restarting it. this has happened to my main on iPod many times
Defence towers I have one Defence tower, level 3 on lowlands. If I put a spy Defence tower on lowlands too will their Defence protect highlands too or do I need them on highlands as well??
Because of the stat bonus from mith spell, will I be making more of a bonus upon the completion of an EB, since I'll be inflicting more damage, and more damage=more gold?
That's a waste of mith. Since mith costs about 400m a pop (assuming you purchased it) you won't gain more than the gold you are wasting on the spell (1.6 bil for 4 hour spells). I wouldn't do it.