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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Hansel=bunch if money :D
  2. To ur second question: convert lowlands to all T4
  3. I know that. I'm a returning vet. I was just wondering if anything had changed because of dev changes. I'm just looking for specifics also like should I buy a t4l3 right when I start to convert or should I just buy a L2.
  4. It's the same idea. Everything just costs more with more stats basically
  5. How stingy is FOD with drops?
  6. If ur talking about the abyssal blade it is very stringy
  7. Damn.
    Is it true no quarter drops items like candy?
  8. No. No quarter drops items yes, but its also stingy in its droppings. Last few NQ's i looked at had only 3 or 4 drops of the breastplate.
  9. 3-4 drops is quite good according to the most EB's. Most EBs drops 1-2 of the "big" drop.
  10. Re: faults

    Playing on iPhone and today it will not let me select attack, wc, or feedback is there anything I can do?
  11. Re:Defence towers

    I have an Att/Def tower level 3 on Leland's. If I put a spy Defence tower on llands will it cover Hlands as well??
  12. Re: faults

    You can try taking KaW off the multitasking menu and restarting it. this has happened to my main on iPod many times
  13. Re: Re:Defence towers

    Can you please clarify what you mean by this question?
  14. Yes it covers your whole kingdom
  15. Defence towers

    I have one Defence tower, level 3 on lowlands. If I put a spy Defence tower on lowlands too will their Defence protect highlands too or do I need them on highlands as well??
  16. Re: Defence towers

  17. Because of the stat bonus from mith spell, will I be making more of a bonus upon the completion of an EB, since I'll be inflicting more damage, and more damage=more gold? :)
  18. Yes, but unless you are on Haunting its not worth it
  19. That's a waste of mith. Since mith costs about 400m a pop (assuming you purchased it) you won't gain more than the gold you are wasting on the spell (1.6 bil for 4 hour spells). I wouldn't do it.