This is normal. Sword is better as it provides the biggest bonus out of the two but it scales with troop and spy level whereas the sickle is static.
Also, you need the sickle to do the next EB in the Hawthorn series, that is probably the main point of it. (forgot the name, haven't done them for ages)
Why do people make so many threads or wc posts about American polititcs? It's annoying! *note* this is kaw related because it's kaw
because many people in kaw ARE american. and we like to discuss politics. also - everyone in the world is american because everyone lets us put our military bases where ever we want.
I was just wondering why in the first 20 quests I received 3 nobility pts., but since then and I am close to the 69, I haven't received a single 1?
3 nobs?? Lucky! Theres actually a .07% or similar chance of getting a nob for a successful hit. Its all luck owner stated that, now, an attack build could have one volary and still be fine, due to the new pots available. That'll give me close to 200k spy attack. And a whopping bit shy of 8mil attack any thoughts? Would that be a good idea? Pros and cons? Thanks.
Ehhh that sounds a little weak to me. The new spy pots may sound great, I'm not saying they aren't, but there are also two new spy def pots that are more powerful than all the others. They pretty much equal out the new spy atk pot. It wouldn't be a bad idea to do a little more spy. Maybe a build like RedStar.
My iPhone is not allowing me to play KaW when on cellular data. If it helps I have iPhone 4S with 4G...Any suggestions?
Kind of vague... Does it not load, say there's no connection, load but not allow you to do any functions...???