Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Ask a mod or email the dev's
  2. How can I get mithril???
  3. Win system war or wait for it to come in sale
  4. How high of an ally bonus would a hansel with 1 lv3 CoE need to hit haunting w/o pots?
  5. Can I sing in WC without being silenced?

    (lyrics ain't repetitive)
  6. As long as u don't repeat verses I guess it's ok
  7. Was singing Pokemon, and another player joined in.

    Lyrics could be barely seen in between the ads.

    This is the reason why I'll start an "European WC Karaoke" movement .
  8. i would guess around 20,000,000.
  9. wat if you dont like ur username and want to change it but dont have a credit card to buy crowns???
  10. then do quests until you get 15 "nobility points"

    800 quests should do the trick.
  11. 20 nobility points. About 1000 quests.
  12. What exactly qualifies a person as a vet?
  13. :shock: wow. Better start ally shopping :lol:
  14. lol. yeah individual allies really don't give you much of a bonus.
  15. it is almost entirely subjective. there is not point system. ;)
  16. Vets have sold their accounts and made back the money they put into it. The rest of us shmucks keep playing.
  17. Alot of them, yes.