Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. How do I switch out of this account and log back into it
  2. You cant from a phone or portable device, although if youre linked to a PC you can swap between the linked account and a PC only account if youre using the same platform - mochigames or FB.
  3. How many days in a row can I ask about the new war system (which was promised after summer wars) before I get an actual month or year about its release?
  4. Approximately 365*how many more years you expect to live. That is, until the devs themselves give you an exact release time.
  5. What are the new eb rewards?
  6. No one knows for sure, there is only speculation. Do the eb's and try to find out for yourself.
  7. What gives more gold? Nobility Points or Crystals?

  8. Depends. Nobility gives more upfront gold, but crystals can give more if your hits have good plunder and youre hitting a high eb like Haunting or FoD, or a very strong player and winning. Bonuses and items also play a part.
  9. Depends on your size and build and what EB there are variables
  10. i hi have been asked to leave feedback on a pc for a account transfer , were do i post for this
  11. Bottom left corner of PC screen will say "Feedback"
  12. What does TGL mean?
  13. The gilded lord
  14. How many questions have been asked answered in this thread? 
  15. Blue star@ a lot.
  16. About half of the posts because half are questions, half answers. So I would say around 5000 questioms
  17. Why is this game so fun, yet there is no 3d/2d animations on the actual game? Just pictures
  18. INEED TO BE ABLE TO GET BACK IN TO MY OLD ACCOUT DO U GUYS KNOW HOW I WOULD GO ABOUT DOING THAT ...I don't see how u would switch or even manage ur ACCOUT please help