viewtopic.php?f=3&t=55524 Device Transfer central, OP'ski. If you need anything else, tap your heels together 3 times, and repeat the phrase...."I am not really human".
Whatever pots mean that you can hit successfully using minimal troops while still making a profit per hit.
I've just got this game and don't know what to do, I attack people and they get mad on my wall, please help? and I have 4 spy things and 1 horse thingie and I can't afford next land thingie.
Is there a guide to becoming a successful (warring) pure spy? If so, can someone bump it for me? Thanks
Just grow as a pure spy. I dont think there is a guide, you kinda need to learn through experience and reading the off system and system war guides, as well as the fight mechanics.
So are you saying the Devs have come out with new potions and item dropping changes before the new system war changes? Even though the community has asked for war reform and not once asked for pot reform ? I really wish I can play a game of darts with these guys ... Come on, I know Vancouver has the best herb in the world, but please stop smoking it till you release new system war in your war game.
So just a theoretical question here. Since 2% of your allies stats go to your stats, wouldn't owning your owner therefore give you unlimited stats? Your owner gains 2% of your stats, you gain 2% of theirs, meaning the owner's 2% is even bigger... Etc etc. even tho I know that it doesn't work like that.... But it would be nice :lol:
Looking to change my do I gain the there anyway to gain them at an exelerated pace??
just buy them...after the devs address the issues that the community has told them need to be addressed.
I mean, how did u test for that number? You have to know the exact algorithm used and everything to get a correct number. even though in mathematics, the more you do something, the more chances it is to be closer to the exact value, I still see no way to prove the accuracy of that number.