Re: PostQuestionsHere Guys/missb this is a question thread thread not throw a bomb/bricks on missb thread keep it that way!
Re: PostQuestionsHere Read wulfs guide on moderators. If you feel as you could be a possible candadite to become a moderator email your application to
Re: PostQuestionsHere *candidate - The thread is in Forums ~> Other KaW Discussion ~> KaW moderators It has everything you need to know.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Wulf is a moderator and the Author of the thread that tells you everything you wish to know.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Just read the thread - it has everything you need to know about applying If you really want to contact him, go to Home ~> Battle List ~> Search ~> Type in Wulf
Re: PostQuestionsHere 1. What are the stats of a level 1 SoS, level 2 SoS and level 3 SoS (Wulfs guide is a bit off...)?
Re: PostQuestionsHere @HMS this "PostQuestionsHere" is a thread. I have a question of my own. When people refer to "OP" are they talking about creator of thread?
Re: PostQuestionsHere OP refers to either the original poster (creator of the thread) or the original post (first post of the thread) depending on the context.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Is every FOD suppose to drop swords. I've been in several w/no drops. Is this normal or is there a problem?