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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. no. not without breaking the tou. you can transfer the account to another device. but they frown on transfering accounts back and forth repeatedly.
  2. Not entirely true, you can link an iDevice/Android account to PC, or vice versa.
  3. Anyone know what percent of gold one loses when they are stolen from?
  4. um...i used to know that. 0.1%? 6000 steals to steal all gold...i think. sorry i haven't played kaw seriously in a long time.
  5. If I know my stuff 72 xtals of successful steals using least troops empties opponents gold
  6. I think .1% is either correct or very close. It depends on size of opponent based on your size too.
  7. Does converting ur guilds to sos effect ur bonus?
  8. Your plunder will only drop if you convert 1 by 1. Once you get past 2/3 SOSes your plunder will start going back up. If you convert all at once you will only see the rise in plunder.
  9. Is the price of mith based on stats or on the amount of lands u have and builds on them? e.g. if I have just guilds will the price of mith be low
  10. Well, stats and the amount of lands and buildings are the same thing, so yes it is based on that.
  11. I can have low stats because of guilds, if I had SOS's my stats would b much higher.
  12. What are the items to use in each phase of cotd?
  13. I am going to bring up my question again as it was not answered. Is mochigames down? I am not able to get on my alts account through mochigames so I was wondering if its down.
  14. Look in the news section. Kaw_admin posted a link to log in to Mochi games through
  15. KaW posted a thread about this and have a link to use for now for logging in.
  16. I believe the item is seal of lightning.
  17. I think that the more stats you have the higher the price, but it hasn't been tested so I'm now sure. Plus, there hasn't been a sale in a while.
  18. Nope sorry, the item is angels of light. It is a spy defense item.
  19. Oh, all phases, sorry cant remember them all. You can check them out on Wulf's EB guide in the Strategy section. It will be stickied and found at the beginning of the section. It has all the info on all the ebs.