Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Restart your game, I can see them.
  2. Think it was due to sever cuz.i can see them.now because i bought them.of a friend and it didnt show him that i bought them , but fixed now
  3. What is the bronze bar?
  4. Read the thread be kaw_admin in the news section
  5. A new item that will be used as reward for events. It is useless, you can only sell it for gold. More answers at Bronze Bars Items - FAQ
  6. New update for iphone app?

    Whats new?
  7. It's just bug fixes.
  8. Nothing exciting....booo!

    I was hoping for full screen on iphone 5!
  9. What are bronze bars for?
  10. Check out the Bronze Bars FAQ by kaw_admin. That's as much as anyone knows. ;)
  11. Is there and Clan that does hardcore farming? I just left my Clan which I have be in for 9 months. I want something new not always this eb .... I got over 9 Mil CS! Looking for a famous and a Clan that is feared throughout kaw! PLEASE WALL ME
  12. Plenty of war clans
  13. will anyone plz wall me if clan doing toc
  14. Just watch in WC for people advertising it. I just saw a few ToC ads.
  15. For war clans:
    iG (and their family)
    ZAFT (and their family)
    Chaos Reborn (and the apocalypse alliance)
    Last Rights
    Ad Mortem
  16. Ty Vinnie! That was the answer I was looking for
  17. Chaos reborn lol
  18. What do i have to do to retreive documents stollen from town hall on quest?keep getting defeated,HELP PLEASE
  19. Get higher attackstats. Or just get lucky.