Think it was due to sever cuz.i can see because i bought them.of a friend and it didnt show him that i bought them , but fixed now
A new item that will be used as reward for events. It is useless, you can only sell it for gold. More answers at Bronze Bars Items - FAQ
Is there and Clan that does hardcore farming? I just left my Clan which I have be in for 9 months. I want something new not always this eb .... I got over 9 Mil CS! Looking for a famous and a Clan that is feared throughout kaw! PLEASE WALL ME
For war clans: iG (and their family) ZAFT (and their family) Chaos Reborn (and the apocalypse alliance) Last Rights Ad Mortem
What do i have to do to retreive documents stollen from town hall on quest?keep getting defeated,HELP PLEASE