Re: PostQuestionsHere Can i be active in two eb ? Eq . Ended up with two equipment If there is luck lol
Re: PostQuestionsHere You can't receive two of the same equipment. Also, no, you can only be active in one EB because you can only be in one clan at one time; that clan can only run one EB at one time.
Re: PostQuestionsHere You cant be active in more than one epic battle because each clan can only have one at a time and you can only be in one clan.
Re: PostQuestionsHere What if Im in n out from one clan to the other . A to B and back again to A , n so on . Will I get the bonus ? One shield n one sword
Re: PostQuestionsHere No you loose all the bonus when you leave the clan for another eb. So you cant be active in two ebs at the same time.
Re: PostQuestionsHere If you are in a clan at the end of the epic battle (and active in the epic battle as well) you will get the bonus and chance of getting item. As long as you switch clans to the one that is doing the other epic battle when the first one has finished you can.
Re: PostQuestionsHere I think they send you an email. An you get a shiny achievement. And Wulf will make a thread about it pretty quickly.
Re: PostQuestionsHere ... I don't c y u can b silenced for asking someone wat kind of profession they have. Or wat gender. Like, they don't have to reply. Lol. Kinda like saying " are u a plumber?"
Re: PostQuestionsHere So asking to talk to a teacher is silenceable? it's not like they have to respond or anything.
Re: PostQuestionsHere You are not asking for personal info if you want to talk to a teacher. Anyone and most everyone can be/is a teacher of some sort. But it all depends on mod's inturpertaion of the ToU
Re: PostQuestionsHere Would any of them b tempted to silence me for asking for such a minute detail of someones life as if they help children learn in a school?