Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. I thought it was .1%
    I guess u were lucky as I've never got any drops
  2. I generally get about 1 nob every FB unload on my main, do the first quest lol
  3. Lol, i just got two in one unload.
  4. Aw... Hmm... I once got 2 nobs in a row. Musta gotten real lucky. I got a name change from nob farming.
  5. Yea, I do do the first quest.
  6. Full bar. Unload
  7. Who uses FB, lol.
  8. Other than you, of course, and other FaceBook users. :p
  9. Lazy people in wars who can't be bothered to keep count of all their hits when reporting.
  10. How do clans get prestige
  11. By competing I events such as the summer wars.
  12. Clans earn prestige by participating in and winning any type of war.
  13. How do i search for players on andriod
  14. @ziphena that stopped a while ago. Currently only the clans which participated in the summer wars are ranked on the prestige leaderboard.

    Destroyer try the battle list or allies search.
  15. So it has. Forgot about that
  16. I can't send PM in forums. Is it disabled?
  17. Press and hold the menu button (in the phone, it is a physical button, the leftmost one below the screen). There you can type the player name or clan name to search. Search is case insensitive and there's no wildcard characters (as far as I know).
  18. There is no pm on forums