Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Go to the app store
    Go to updates
    Press update on kaw
    Type your password
    Wait for it to load
  2. Hire price drops every 3 days for no owner
  3. How do you do overlapping emoji?
  4. Using a special symbol, you have to copy an paste with each emoji.
  5. What kind of stats would a player be looking at with 24 cursed foundrys and a lvl 2 castle?
  6. @Heartfall what special symbol?
  7. Do u get more plunder for a T5building lv1 than a T4 building lv3? And do u get more plunder for T4 lv3 or guild lv4?
  8. @Drgn
  9. Sorry, lvl3
  10. Thank you.
  11. @Drgn, anytime :)
  12. I'm not sure if that's right. That's basically my build except 4 are SOS and 4 Hl are colonies
  13. Why can't I reset..?
  14. PoH, I just took Wulf's data and multiplied by 24, then added 40k to attack and defense, then 30k to spy stats
  15. What are the untold rules of forums? :cool:
  16. I'd really like an answer??
  17. Good question arkst. I wanna know that 2 :)
  18. You need to email support@athinkingape.com to get your reset button enabled.
  19. (/)_-) so no answer then?