Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. No hades, it shouldn't.
  2. How do I reset me password??
  3. How do you type this


    (this is from copy... Paste)
  4. A third party app lets you do that.
  5. What would you describe my build apart from: the plunder killer SOS and towers or built by a person having a fit?
  6. How do u do the overlapping of emoji?
  7. Do not advertise 3rd party apps plz. Any way I've got no idea what ur talking about please explain
  8. They're not advertising. They're asking a question...
  9. Why is there no repeat button when attacking other kingdoms?
  10. Good question. We are as clueless as you are
  11. When attacking in an EB that you can hit without attack pots...does using attack pots increase end plunder?
  12. Sigma I do believe so. But I don't think it makes that much of difference to waste pots on it.
  13. Yallhappy. I am not sure why but here's my guess. In war every sec counts. And let's stay you get striped(someone buys all of your allies) and starts to Attk you. 10 bil isn't much. But if you have 500 bil each time you get attacked you lose way more then a bil a hit. There's about 20 hits in one unload. So 20 times one bil is is 20 bil. You have 5 people on you that's 100 bil if they all unload one you. If they have a repeat button buy the time you get your news your allies have sold all of you gold will be gone.
  14. Someone hired an ally of mine.

    The news was "_____ hired _______ away from you. You got your ______ gold back and made a ______ profit!"

    Anyone else getting this? I think it's pretty cool :cool:
  15. Ive seen it once out of the last 50 hires in my news feed. (Volleying).

    If only it was permanent, saves me working out the 1.58...% I make back. :(
  16. Is your cs just battle cs
  17. how do i make a forum????
  18. You have to have some knowledge of making a website and coding. You have to purchase a domain name and proceed to code your own forum. Other people will then be able to make threads and you can appoint admins to keep your forums in check while your not on to watch them.
  19. Your cs are your stats (the green ones or Bonus to allies).

    To make a thread, go to the relevant section and press new post.