Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Oh wow that feels deep even though I barely pay attention to you. I followed you what 2 weeks ago? By multiple do you mean twice because you ignored me with such a bleh answer? As for forums you're the only one actively on this thread. I would've preferred it not be you because you have to go around making arguments but of course, I'm the lucky one. :)
  2. Ladies ladies......you're both beautiful
  3. Yes, you began following/walling me after I unfollowed you. Can't stand to see your virtual "friend" count decrease, can you?
  4. Thank you stingray but I'm not actually a woman just a cross dresser ;)
  5. Omg you unfollowed me the world is coming to an end!
  6. You keep on trying to aggravate me by saying all these things  you're being really mean! I may start to cry...
  7. Question: what eb do you gain the helmet for Cave of Riches?
  8. You sure acted like it
  9. Crossing the threshold
  10. King, Crossing the Threshold
  11. "Acted like it" Hmmm... By asking if you have a main and then you starting this fight on forums? Yes it's truly the apocalypse
  12. No, I meant following me a couple of times, asking me multiple times about other accounts, etc
  13. Wow that's such a big deal I followed you and asked you 2x... Maybe it's just the end of the world for you :roll:
  14. Ok, let's stop now...this is going off topic
  15. Ok thnx guys.
  16. Want the new lands to come out 