Oh wow that feels deep even though I barely pay attention to you. I followed you what 2 weeks ago? By multiple do you mean twice because you ignored me with such a bleh answer? As for forums you're the only one actively on this thread. I would've preferred it not be you because you have to go around making arguments but of course, I'm the lucky one.
Yes, you began following/walling me after I unfollowed you. Can't stand to see your virtual "friend" count decrease, can you?
You keep on trying to aggravate me by saying all these things you're being really mean! I may start to cry...
"Acted like it" Hmmm... By asking if you have a main and then you starting this fight on forums? Yes it's truly the apocalypse
Wow that's such a big deal I followed you and asked you 2x... Maybe it's just the end of the world for you :roll: