Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. An admin or the owner of the clan your in gave it to you.
  2. Umm how do I get mithril??
  3. Mith can be obtained from wars and for short time throught the alchemist
  4. You can buy until Sunday (US time), but don't expect that to be often. Other than that, winning system wars grants mith. This is all assuming you have lv. 2 castle already.
  5. You can only use mith when you have upgraded your castle.
  6. When will the developers update the game so that Emoji 2 are enabled?
  7. I believe they have already submitted an update to the devs to fix all the glitches, it may come out in that one in a few weeks or in a further one. I can't tell you for sure though.
  8. How was Jesus made into a baby? Did he have baby Jesus powers when he was born?
  9. That is more of a developer question. Devs are busy with updates. I don't think you'll find when they will update to new emoji here. [\color]
  10. I will learn how to use bbcodes lol. Forgive my forum noobishness.
  11. If anyone can spot my mistake, point it out^^^
  12. [Co|or=hahayoufail] :cool: [/co|or]
  13. [/color] not [\color]
  14. Is there a way to search for a certain thread on I device?
  15. Yay! Thanks, guy that helped.
  16. You can search for threads on google, but you can't post on them.
  17. While i'm just a forum noob, i believe there is not a way. Not sure if you can use your browser on device, but if you can you might be able to search that way. (May be slow)
  18. Pls put one in if there isn't one devs