Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. When you build SoS lvl3, isn't your attack plunder supposed to go down?
  2. Self plunder, no. Ally plunder, yes.
  3. How do you post blank messages in the forum?
  4. Never mind figured it out
  5. What is the min stats to hunt ?
  6. It depends on the clan
  7. Do you mean Haunting? I don't think there's any hunting..
  8. the usual minimum for haunting is around 3mil comb stats, but for bigger clans it can go from 3mil-6mil usually.
  9. Was inactive for past 1-2 weeks what happened? Also gif link
  10. Imitation cheese quit, t5 lv3 came out, Last Rights won Summer War Tournament, ISS_Tigress became a mod, and I can't remember what else....
  11. Why did cheese quit?