Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. BBOYSTATIC is no longer a moderator?
  2. Anyone have any answer to that question I asked above?
  3. @rhino
    No he has military issues and not even time for mod duties from what I gather.
  4. Pinky - You can't post on them from AT or News. Open them from Strategy for example.
  5. You have to open them from where they were posted. For example, the war system thread is located in questions/feedback and you need to open it from there to post
  6. Should i place T5? or go ahead and place sos's?
  7. I would put t5 in your highlands. You should see a nice stat boost.
  8. Aww..Ok lot of wrok now..lol Ty! :D
  9. Youre welcome
  10. I would place T5... Those Upgrades are more powerful.
  11. Just got an android and I can't find kingdoms at war app , why is that is it only some sorten androids that can get it.
  12. What Android device are you trying to download it from?
  13. No Idea ,a freind gave it to me yesterday and it looks like it's 2-1 years old ,
  14. Can you post a pic of it?
  15. Where can I find info on items awarded from EB's?  thx
  16. Where can I find info on items rewarded from EB's? Thanks
  17. Here
  18. Recruitment tips?
  19. Find people in WC who say that they're new and/or need a clan, then convince them to join your clan. It's time consuming.