Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. I'm not sure. It may have been lowered. I can hit my alt now, but I'm not sure so you might be right.
  2. What's the best epic battle for a growing hansel like myself?
  3. Ambush or haunting are the best.
  4. What percent of an equipment's stats add to your BTA stats?
  5. 0% adds to your bta
  6. Take the equipment's raw stats and divide by 50 or multiply by 0.02
  7. Why do the forums suck today?
  8. As opposed to everyday? They are the same.
  9. @undead that's raw stats

    Equipment provides no stats to your owner or ally's. Equipment only provides a raw stat bonus to you when you.
  10. Yes, he was just converting it into the more common form.
  11. is there a guide for recommended size for each eb? like atk stats and spy atk stats? if not someone should make one because I'm sure a lot of people would appreciate it.
  12. Can the devs see my ip adress?
  13. Would they see that I use two idevices on the same network?
  14. Yes, but they wouldn't look for that.
  15. Using 2 iDevices doesnt matter. Youre allowed 1 account per iDevice and 1 PC only per household
  16. How can I get appeal so the silence will be gone and I deserve it ?
  17. support@athinkingape.com

    Email them with a nice letter about why you think your silence was wrong, what you'll do better next time.
    Make it nice :)
  18. Email support@athinkingape.com. Tell them you are from kaw, tell them why you are silenced and that you have learned your lesson, and tell them why they should unsilence you. Make it nice and long with complete grammar and spelling.