Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. What is the price amount for a t4 lv2 from a empty land
  2. Why is my plunder dropping when I upgrade T4 to lvl3? Even though I have Max Plunder?
  3. Dar, this thread is for questions only. if you don't have one, don't post.

    Monster, you're probably hitting a weaker eb. Try hitting something strong/more suited to your stats. If that doesn't work, buy a new ally and test.
  4. what is the KaW meaning of Troll ?
  5. People who intentially use off topic posts and hate to drive threads to lock-worthy territory.

    Although there are only a few remaining trolls in KaW.
  6. Wrong thread?
  7. Nope. Dilly's was recovered and yours merged together
  8. No. I'm talking about your post.
  9. Oh wait. you were describing what a KaW troll is.

    Thought maybe you meant to post it on the "What forumers hate" or something.
  10. Ooooh. I see now.
  11. Why is it called Troll ? o_O
  12. The term "Troll" didn't originate in KaW, it's a widespread term used to describe players that intelligently "diss" out other players and tactfully try to humiliate them in public places, including forums.

    Look it up on urban dictionary.
  13. For my conversion to an attack build, should I replace all my LL's with t4 lvl1's, and then upgrade them to lvl2's, or do them one at a time?
  14. Lvl 1s suck, make sure you have enough money for lvl 1 and 2 than convert.
  15. Am I big enough for ToC? With pots, of course.Also, does the item phase pay as well as haunt's?
  16. Keep growing your attack more before ToC, and it pays better than Haunting if you can complete it faster
  17. Okay then approximately what should my attack be before I attempt?