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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. 15-20b to be safe. More allies never hurt
  2. Jeez haha then I'm way behind. Thanks for all the answers :)
  3. Depends. Personally, i was at max plunder with just about an 8bil ally. So just find out by hiring cheap allies and hitting the SAME eb or person and making note of the ally plunder
  4. You dont need that much yet, but once you have that much youre at max plunder for a long time
  5. 400k CS needs around 3b in allies for MP.
  6. What type of element is the Cyan Blast ?
  7. First clan ever?
  8. I'm not really sure at the moment, but I think it's iG or may have been Foxes.
  9. There were many forum clans, but I don't remember the names of them.
  10. Ig was the first official clan
  11. How do you do a Volley Transfer?
  12. Volley with the other person until you run out of gold, and the person transferring keeps the ally giving youa boost.
  13. I've been converting my t3 builds to t4 builds... Should I stop now and upgrade my 10 t4 builds, or keep converting?
  14. Can you post an SS of your buildings I'm not sure I follow
  15. Generally I'd go through with the whole thing though
  16. I would upgrade to max 1 at a time then move on to the next one
  17. Theyre lvl 1 Cursed Foundries
  18. Wouldn't that be slower though pinky?
  19. It's better to upgrade to the max before moving on to the next one.
  20. A rule of thumb should always be upgrade to lvl 3-4 before moving to the next one. It gives more then two lvl 2 of the same buildings.