Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Do you mean on the leaderboard or...?
  2. I'm not aware of a way to find that out. You could try emailing the devs I guess... I'm not sure they keep track of that kind of thing.
  3. Nervere, if you go through hundreds of pages on PC for join date you could find yours eventually
  4. How do you volley someone?
  5. Keep buying the same ally that is bought away from you
  6. What is the biggest EB I can hit right now, WITH POTS?
  7. Any you want I believe.
  8. Any with pots. You can assassinate any EB with those spy stats but would need attack pots for anything haunting and above.
  9. I had 16 bill in allies with 800k attack stats,than upgraded and have 1mill attack stats,do I need to buy more allies or how come the cash I get per attack didn't increase?
  10. You're not at max plunder then.
  11. How come the new achievements haven't appeared on my latest achievements? Yes, I hav earned 2, but I want them on display :)
  12. @angel I'm able to see your's... (btw you only have one) and try restarting the all reinstalling or If all else fails email the devs
  13. It says I hav 2 :shock: cuz I hav the bonus from both
  14. Well I only see one :0
  15. It still didn't work :( I'm sad, makes me look a noob :(
  16. I hit the link and it forced me out the app :lol: I will later
  17. To get them just do the action for the achievement. For instance, steal someone to get steal achievement. If that doesn't work. Email.