Re: PostQuestionsHere I have SS of you saying that this one "goes much further than 150 notifications." Whether it affected your PC or not is irrelevant. Whether you knew it would or not is also irrelevant. It is harmful content, and you knew it was harmful. Your intent was malicious. Editing your posts will not help you. Your continued argument with me is getting you nowhere fast. Enjoy forums while you can.
Re: PostQuestionsHere the sudden urge to do a little cheer leading dance and chant for cheese :lol:
Re: PostQuestionsHere Yay cheese! I don't know whether this is the place to ask this, but didn't want to create a new thread or bump an old one. But can anybody tell me my post count? Thanks in advance.
Re: PostQuestionsHere It takes them a while to respond. They get hundreds of violation reports every day. Mine is sitting in a que right now waiting to be reviewed by the support team.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Can someone remind me what pinning applies to... Troops or spies, or both? And when an opponent has no spies can you steal from them? It's a noob question but I've forgotten everything I learned last