Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    How did it prevent u using ur browser? I clicked it and it was fine on my pc
  2. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    I have SS of you saying that this one "goes much further than 150 notifications."

    Whether it affected your PC or not is irrelevant. Whether you knew it would or not is also irrelevant. It is harmful content, and you knew it was harmful. Your intent was malicious. Editing your posts will not help you. Your continued argument with me is getting you nowhere fast.

    Enjoy forums while you can.
  3. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    :lol: Go cheese! Enjoy your forum ban Owen!
  4. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Hmm...got the sudden urge to do a little cheer leading dance and chant for cheese :lol:
  5. Re: PostQuestionsHere

  6. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    :lol: Yay cheese!

    Owen, enjoy your forum ban!
  7. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Post 7962
  8. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Yay cheese! I don't know whether this is the place to ask this, but didn't want to create a new thread or bump an old one. But can anybody tell me my post count? Thanks in advance.
  9. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    If you are on a pc it will tell you the post count beside the username
  10. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    @chief, he isn't on PC genius.
  11. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Why didn't the devs delete owen's virus or whatever it was?
  12. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    :lol: that would be why he's asking....
  13. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    It takes them a while to respond. They get hundreds of violation reports every day. Mine is sitting in a que right now waiting to be reviewed by the support team.
  14. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    He edited it away already.
  15. Re: PostQuestionsHere

  16. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Can someone remind me what pinning applies to... Troops or spies, or both? And when an opponent has no spies can you steal from them? It's a noob question but I've forgotten everything I learned last year...help
  17. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Check out belle's mechanics guide in Strategy, it's stickied.
  18. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    HAHA lol i just read previous pages :lol:
  19. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    What buildings are best to make a lot money fast?
  20. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    guilds increase plunder, so do bestiaries. Make sure you are at max plunder.