Re: PostQuestionsHere I wonder how long it would take to read all 780 pages hhhhmmmm only one way to find out ask the talking owl
Re: PostQuestionsHere 1...tuh2...tuh3... How long does it take to read all 780 pages? The world may never know.
Re: PostQuestionsHere What section is the upload photo bucket guide in? Or give it a bump so I can read plz
Re: PostQuestionsHere Is there a reason I can't read/view a whole picture on the forums. I can only view the part that is in the normal column
Re: PostQuestionsHere Why can't I view a whole picture in the forums? I can only see the part is in the normal column
Re: PostQuestionsHere @bunny that's their fault for being a pic nub, but you should be able to scroll across to see the rest of it õ_õ
Re: PostQuestionsHere Just wanted to ask how to transfer accounts to a new android phone and how to fine my UDID on my S3
Re: PostQuestionsHere Android's dont have UDID's. You can email and add all info that proves the old account is yours. Include the IMEI (IMIE?) number on your androids.