Re: PostQuestionsHere If you mean how many allies to be at MP, it's CSx5500. If you mean how much plunder you will have if you have, xbuildings. Well there's no equation for that...
Re: PostQuestionsHere To my knowledge,there is no Max plunder formula given to us by the devs. But, people believe it's ur combined stats times 5550 I think. Another way is to hit a player/even, memorize the bonus from ally plunder, by an ally, and see if there is any change in the plunder bonus. If there is, repeat the first step. If there isn't,ur at Max plunder.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Yes if you check CSx5500 is very accurate, and correct- I tried it buy doing the "old method"
Re: PostQuestionsHere I would also like to know how that works, well actually I have a pretty good idea, but I want it confirmed
Re: PostQuestionsHere You volley allies between 2 people and the person receiving doesnt keep the allies
Re: PostQuestionsHere Yeah, that's what I suspected, seems I've done a couple of volley transfers then
Re: PostQuestionsHere that's not what I mean. I saw a thread saying something about the op getting 20b via volley transfers.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Hhhmmm, anyways another question. Are Pro Pack Bonuses Same as Equipment Bonuses(%)? So do they give less bonuses as troops go down?
Re: PostQuestionsHere @ Sparticus The easiest way is to get on a PC. The codes are clickable. Once you learn them you can use them on iDevices or Androids. There is a guide on the codes, just look. I'm not doing your homework for you.
Re: PostQuestionsHere @Radiation- they give troop bonuses I think. Similar to the abyssal blade and pinioned boots
Re: PostQuestionsHere I have just built my 25th lands I have 1 attack build ( goodness gracious I can't remember the name) and the rest lvl 4 guilds what can I do now?
Re: PostQuestionsHere keep going with the guilds. don't worry about converting unless you are worried about stats. for now i reccomend that you just keep growing.