Re: PostQuestionsHere It is used to enchant certain equipment, which increases is stat bonus. You can earn it by doing certain EBs or buy it from the Mage.
Re: PostQuestionsHere the change should hardly be noticably. and i admit i didn't test it. but higher stats SHOULD decrease plunder from the same target.
Re: PostQuestionsHere You're saying a bigger account will notice a bigger plunder change than a smaller? So unless you plan on enchanting soon, should the upgrade be held off?
Re: PostQuestionsHere In photobucket, go to settings, upload and then size and change it to 320x320. Then when you upload photos they will be the right size.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Actually, it can be up to 600 x 600. To edit the pic size, go to photobucket, select your pic, select "edit" then "resize." Then choose a size thats under 600 x 600. Then select "save a copy."