Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    How then :|
  2. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Ok thanks -missbehave- :)
  3. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Feedback and ask for it. Usually, they only do it to correct typos, but occasionally they'll completely change the name.
  4. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    No ****?

    I guess we all learn something every day.
  5. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Ours was a clan problem.

    Maybe it depends on the Dev changing it?
  6. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Or if you give them cookies
  7. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    When will all features be available for android?
  8. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    That answer is unknown, or one could just say: when the devs decide to let it be...
  9. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Why Cant I buy mithril anymore?
  10. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    It was a limited time offer only. It ended January 1st
  11. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Hey Miss Melon, gotta prob , my banner , and my banners stat% has dissapered I've reported through feedback have u heard of this happening b 4
  12. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Are you sure they have disappeared? Check your profile. It should all be there.
  13. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    How much $ do you get for selling a L3 Titan?
  14. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    About 5.2b
  15. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    My banner disappeared also, I sent feedback and try looked into it, I had to restart the app and it was back.
  16. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    What do you get for completing the last quest
  17. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    10 crystals, an achievement and im not entirely sure what the gold bonus is.
  18. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Gold reward is 500m.
  19. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    10crystal 500 million and 69 quest achievement
  20. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    If you had all buildings, only one of each at level one, what would be your stats?