Re: PostQuestionsHere iOS, I'm not sure, you can upgrade with iPhone. I can't upgrade my iOS because my iPod is the oldest one.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Oh thx I-B-B. P.S. It shows a number that represents what you can upgrade to.
Re: PostQuestionsHere n8, that is the bad thing about apple products. You might not be able to update your iOS if your iDevice is an old generation :|
Re: PostQuestionsHere Sell your building. There is a guide for costs. Can somebody give this person a link to wulf's building and land thread?
Re: PostQuestionsHere Check Wulf's guide in strategy. It will tell you the costs an qualifications you must meet to build these buildings (no. Of lands etc.) Once you have these, you must sell your previous buildings and buy the new tier. Simply click on the empty land and select the building you want. Hope this helps
Re: PostQuestionsHere hansel still pays best, even after pots. guilds are for growing. sos will only slow you down.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Whats the bb code to link to something, like say you want to give a link to someone to go to a thread. You just click it and it directs you there.
Re: PostQuestionsHere [url = link] words you want to make into a link[/ url] Without the spaces in the brackets