Re: PostQuestionsHere I don't know if it is just a bug or If the devs have changed it but I don't get a notification when someone leaves or joins my clan. Is this happening to any of you out there? Its been going on for like a week or so now
Re: PostQuestionsHere The Devs changed it to help lower spam in news. They shouldve taken out joining EB.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Yeah, personally I think it's stupid. Members should be able to see who comes and goes.
Re: PostQuestionsHere @Heritix An attack build with no spy troop building can't be stolen from with 0 gold out, same as a pure spy can't be attacked with 0 gold out.
Re: PostQuestionsHere How about if an attack build with no spy troop buildings but has some spy defense towers can they get assassinated?
Re: PostQuestionsHere This question has been asked before, but is not covered by Belle's guide. I offered to test this with my build if no one else can find a definite answer.
Re: PostQuestionsHere *hides alt* No of course my alt is not a pure attack build... Anyway, what EB would you recommend for someone of my stats to earn the most money? Right now I am doing NML
Re: PostQuestionsHere A spy will still Assass your attack troops even when you have no spy buildings, the problem with having no Spy troop building is a spy will steal non stop as long as you have gold out.
Re: PostQuestionsHere @Sprx Look at DawnStar. @IBB I had a 900k combined Hansel ally a while back earning 6bil every 4hrs doing Ambush, and because you don't need pots to hit Ambush (All stats do the same damage on main bar) its all profit.