Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Devs make a thread. Post in thread :D
  2. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Or use feedback.
    It will have full instructions on the thread
  3. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Why was dilly's deleted?
  4. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    No one knows. But this exists now so use it :)
  5. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Has there been a thread of comment posted about transferring to a Droid phone? Post here or on my wall, please.
  6. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Ok thanks.
  7. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Not yet.
  8. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    @Nomiationz: I believe it is not possible yet. :|
  9. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Well, thanks for the info.
  10. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Thanks :) another question , what does the feedback button do ?
  11. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    It lets you send your feedback to the devs ~ suggestions for new updates, asking the devs questions. :)
  12. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    What's a cor?
  13. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Cor is short for -TOS-Corinthian's name.
  14. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Cor did you mispell or what ?
  15. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    If you are talking about cor for -tos-corinthian the moderator i guess
  16. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Wait my mistake COR
  17. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    COR? o_O Do you mean CoE?
  18. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Which give more combined stats?

    1 L2 Castle, 45 L3 CoE and 4 L3 SoS


    1 L2 Castle, 44 L3 CoE and 5 L3 SoS

    PS I know the answer but I just wanna check you know what you're talking about :D
  19. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    @Twilight The 45 CoE one. CoE has ~192 k cs and SoS has roughly 130k.
  20. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Atk/def combined - CoE obviously
    Spy combined - 5 SoS (again, obviously)

    First one.




    First build has 94744 more atk and def (of each), but only 64960 spy atk and spy def less (each) than the second one