Re: PostQuestionsHere Hi, I am wanting to create an alt do I need to make a separate account or can I make it a linked account to my idevice? Thank you
Re: PostQuestionsHere You are only allowed 1 account per device, and one account on PC. So you would need another device, or PC login to make an alt account.
Re: PostQuestionsHere As a PureSpy/Hansel build, I currently have: 1 Lvl3 CoE (I know I need another one). 29 Lvl4 Guilds 1 Lvl2 SoS. I need tips/advice on how to continue my build, and when to convert to SoS's. Thanks for all that reply and help, if not, it was a good try for me.
Re: PostQuestionsHere I would convert at land 37. Save up 600 bil and convert all of the guilds to SOSes. Btw you are a hansel
Re: PostQuestionsHere Hey I am working on going hansel right now, I am trying to get all of my attack buildings changed to guilds (except for my lovely CoE lol) I was wondering when I am finished getting all of the guilds what will be the best way to earn gold and when is the best time to convert to SoS
Re: PostQuestionsHere Read above about converting. The best way unfortunately is to EB. I would recommend Ambush for hansels, but haunting is good too. You could probably find a Handel clan that run ambush or just a b2b haunting clan like mine.
Re: PostQuestionsHere I know I'm a hansel, I've been playing for a while, don't think I wouldn't know that -.- 600 Billion seems like a long way... Why wouldn't I just convert while I'm acquiring cash?
Re: PostQuestionsHere But I'll have more spies to complete more actions. I don't see how it doesn't even out...