Re: PostQuestionsHere *@sasuke. ** if you are a certain strength some pots make no noticeable difference To damage.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Is it normal that my soldier count is decreasing as I replace my subs with CoEs?
Re: PostQuestionsHere Sasuke yes and no. No because it doesn't specifically make a refund. Yes because you profit from payout if not profited from each hit.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Ohh it's alright I already asked 2 questions, you probably think i was asking my 3rd, my build is guild hansel
Re: PostQuestionsHere It still doesn't work out that way though. I used to have 42k troops with mostly subs and a few CF. After replacing 14 subs with CoEs I only have 34,600 troops at max.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Maybe because they provide more strength? I'm not sure maybe just one is lvl2 and you didn't see.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Maybe. And even if only one is level 2, the difference shouldn't be that huge.
Re: PostQuestionsHere The difference is not huge but noticeable. But lv2 T4 has higher stats than lv3 T3