Re: PostQuestionsHere Email with your question. Your issue concerns/requires the developers help.
Re: PostQuestionsHere It is on the ally main page. Along with total money invested in allies and the allies you own Before that you could go to each ally profile and add all the green stats
Re: PostQuestionsHere on fanfic I created a thread for feedback for my story. Everything was fine no bypassing breaking of toU nothing. Then it vanished. Why? Are feedback threads not allowed?
Re: PostQuestionsHere As you will no longer be able to transfer money to alts via allies, what's the best plunder build? I should be able to get him to lowlands complete before the changes come in but then I'll need him to make his own. Now I know hansel is the 'best' but you have to spend 7.5m just to hit the haunting- is it still the best or is there a combination involving more attack buildings that makes more overall profit?
Re: PostQuestionsHere Only very small amounts of nobs from quests. To get enough to do anything you have to buy nobs or pro packs with real money
Re: PostQuestionsHere What's the differences between the good banners and the regular banners and how do you upgrade?
Re: PostQuestionsHere You now only receive 4.5% compensation for dropping an ally, so those dropping a stripped ally lose almost everything.