Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Yes. Press the img button and enter the Url.
  2. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Was it just me or did the post kaw_admin just posted seem hostile and kind of evil?
  3. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Namely the last paragraph
  4. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    How come I can't post on some threads like the ally reset one by kaw_admin?
  5. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    What are Osw banks?
  6. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    If you 3rd part advertise in PM, can you get silenced for it?
  7. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Nope. Pm's are unmonitored, unless it's VERY bad.
  8. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    I'm not silenced. And I can post on every thread except the one mentioned earlier.
  9. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    To post on threads by kaw_admin, go to any section of forums other than News and open the thread.

    OSW banks are where people hide their gold in an OSW so it's not taken in the war.
  10. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    It works, thank you ImJustThatSexy.
  11. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Why does my rib hurt?
  12. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    If you participate in an eb and leave the guild before the battle ends, then rejoin before the eb ends, will you still get the same end of battle gold bonus as you would get if you had stayed for the entire duration of the eb?
  13. Re: PostQuestionsHere

  14. Re: Thorak is what eb?

    What item to use on phase 4 smoldering fire? I came into the clan after the en had already been started which leaves me clueless as to what en I'm doing...besides Thorak. I kknpw I should already know this but I don't so if anybody out there can givee the 411 I'd love u long time. ;)
  15. Re: autocorrect

    Damn u autocorrect! en=eb
  16. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    How do u epic battle
  17. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Join a clan, hit the glowing bar that has a timer, hit the fight button near the bottom. Select action, repeat.
  18. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Im having a problem where all of a sudden its says i havent explored explored enough lands but i have. Does anyone know a fix to
  19. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    Tikle, try deleting and reinstalling KaW, then try the pc version if you can. If those don't work, email support@athinkingape.com with as much detail as possible.
  20. Re: PostQuestionsHere

    ^ Deleting KaW will not affect your account at all. When you redownload it, everything will be the same as before.