Re: POST QUESTIONS HERE Anyone know where to find the thread about the contest to name the eb's when they first came out?
Re: Hire Value Does your hire value have any thing to do with your strength in the game. Especially after you are hlbc.
Re: POST QUESTIONS HERE Ok, in an EB, do the assassination actions produce more gold than the actions itself when attacking? If so, by how much?
Re: POST QUESTIONS HERE That's where the Hawthorne epic was brought up. There was art made for it too. Apparently no one else remembers that. I was just wondering if it could still be in the works.
Re: POST QUESTIONS HERE I just saw that thread, it's under other KaW discussion, at the bottom of the stickies, it's locked though.
Re: POST QUESTIONS HERE Attacking get the real plunder.assassinating will get you some good plunder.
Re: POST QUESTIONS HERE Can I check, how do you get the max on the "plunder" be it assassinating or attacking?
Re: POST QUESTIONS HERE how many alts can you have? and if you have 5 idevice can you have 5 accts?
Re: POST QUESTIONS HERE @Coin- Yes. And then you can also have an unlinked PC only account too. So you can have 6 all up ^_^.
Re: POST QUESTIONS HERE One PC account, and one account per iDevice. I'm not sure if a linked account is a PC account or iDevice account. Sorry.
Re: POST QUESTIONS HERE You can have 1 "only computer" account. If you have 5 iDevices and you link them all, it's ok.
Post ?Questions? Here. Hello forum. With Dillys question and answer thread being deleted, the mod team has decided to put up an OFFICIAL replacement. This is a thread where mods and helpful players can lurk and answer questions posed by the community. Please feel free to ask any KaW related questions you wish, and someone will get back to you shortly with an answer. Thanks, and happy KaWing.